Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Every day comes to us a little bit differently. We do many of the same things, but each day has its own twist. Today I woke up early at 6:00 a.m. That was a little early for me, but it felt right. I made a big pot of coffee and drank it all. Yum, "HomeBucks". I much prefer it to that other "Bucks" coffee that costs an arm and a leg. I use Stevia to sweeten it, powdered vanilla by Cooks to flavor it and Silk Soy Creamer to make it smooth. I make my coffee strong from fresh ground frozen coffee beans (Millstone brand "Breakfast Blend"). If you are not a coffee drinker this means nothing, but that first sip is just heaven. I love the first sip and I love the last cold sip and everything in between. I can go days without coffee, but when I make it, it is a love affair.

Beignet is grumpy, angry, and stoic today. She gets her pain medicine twice a day and she would rather not have it, but it is necessary. Friday she will see the vet again. She knows this and is not at all happy about it. My necklace or zipper on my robe have become her current hated items and she grabs them as often as possible. Her beak is a powerful instrument and yesterday it inflicted a huge bite on my forearm. I have a 50 cent size angry red spot with a bite over it on that arm. She was on drugs at the time and quite rummy, so I can't blame her.

I noticed just how green everything is becoming. The bulbs we planted last fall are coming up with vigor. I keep looking for the seeds of last year's columbines and foxgloves. I'm going to plant sweet peas today if there is a break in the rain.

My fish in the huge urn outside my kitchen door almost eat out of my hand now, especially the little red one that we call Kid. His side kick is Spot. The other two are Butch and Cassidy. They are the bigger Shubunkin goldfish. The other two are just feeder goldfish that happened to get lucky.

Laundry is part of today. So is soaking stains from white washcloths.

Each day is different, yet still there are 24 hours and what we do with that 24 hours is our life.

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