Tuesday, January 08, 2008

This quarter I'm working out a new strategy to keep myself busy. Last quarter I spent every night in front of the television and it literally sucked up three months of my life. I don't plan on doing that again. So far I'm doing fine, but this is just Tuesday so I can't pat myself on the back too hard.

I have been struggling with a pattern for a baby sling. After interviewing lots of Mom's I have discovered the things they like and dislike about some baby carriers. The most popular has been a tube like sling. I am attempting to get it to be just one seam and I think I have it figured out. It takes quite a bit of fabric, so just going for it seems like a huge risk. However, that is what I'm doing today - going for it!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I have wanted to make one of Ricky Tims' Convergence quilts since last summer. I had some scraps of batik fabric and Christmas break was a good time to concentrate on one. Thinking back on the process, I think that I would have made decisions to create more open space in the pieces. As well, I would not use complimentary colors as I did in this one. My eyes buzz when looking at it. The whole process was fun and very EASY. What amazed me most was how easy it was to get perfect piece matching.
The pictures show only the later steps in the process, but it does reveal how easy this was to make. Everything is just done in strips. The book I used for this is Ricky Tims' Convergence Quilts. Instructions and great pictures are provided. Great job Ricky Tims for giving us beginning quilters a way to quilt without cutting out all of those tiny pieces. It is such a time saver.