Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Tuesdays slip past so this is a ten things Wednesday post.
1. I have come to love having Bob work from home.
2. The snow today is brilliant and beautiful.
3. I love having a housekeeper come once a month.
4. Branches are breaking from the weight of the snow.
5. I'm having trouble thinking of five more things.
6. I enjoy my iPhone 4, but wish now that I had gone Android.
7. The little daffodil bulb babies are poking their heads up.
8. I WANT to go shopping!
9. We are almost out of milk and the driveway is too slippery to drive up.
10.Sweet Beignet has turned into Beignet Monster. She has bit me three times really hard recently.

1 comment:

The Farrs said...

It was nice to talk to you on the phone for a few minutes. I enjoy your 10 things :-). However, I was surprised about Beignet. How strange that she has been biting you.