Thursday, April 01, 2010


1. I've had a really bad asthma attack.
2. Have I ever mentioned that I really hate ER rooms and Hospitals. They help, but I had them.
3. I had great docs helping me. 911 told me I only had a little cold and left.
4. I learned about the kind of old woman I don't want to be when I get old (never).
5. The food was delicious at the hospital - like going out to a great deli.
6. I'm so happy to be at home after basically 5 1/2 days at the hospital. Too much to explain.
7. Did I mention I'm so happy to be home with my family.
8. Spring is really here. The peony's are growing fast.
9. It is so good to feel a lot better.
10. I'm thankful for modern medicine. The attack I had would have killed me before cortisone was available. Of course cortisone has been around for a long time, but I'm still so thankful for it when it is necessary.

ps: Thanks to all who prayed for me during this time. It always helps and is appreciated.

1 comment:

Aimee B. said...

I'm so glad you're home!